Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Breakfast Chatter 7-14-09

Its a beautiful morning here in South Bend,IN. My wife and I had an interesting conversation in the car while I was taking her to work. We both work in positions where we are in contact with customers on a regular basis. She works at an optical office and I work as a restaraunt manager/bartender. Why is it that when people come in to your establishment while on their cell phone (bluetooth is even worse), they act like your just the biggest bother to them. In my case they will come in sit at a table and just chat away. They even give the shoo away signal to you. Then they have the audacity of getting mad if you walk away. Im sorry, but I have other guests that need to be taken care of. There are other duties that have to get done. In a fast paced enviornment like ours, there is no time to sit there and wait for you to finish up your conversation. Just finish up any conversations before you sit or come up to the counter to order. Aha! this has just sparked motivation for a new blog. DO's and DONT's of restaraunt eating.

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